Tag Archives: stay more organized

9 Quick Tips to Organize Your Life

7282552_origI used to be organized. Then I got married, had three kids and somewhere along the way I lost my ability to remember things, find stuff and efficiently manage my time.

Most people are not born organized. They cultivate healthy habits that help them become more organized. A big part of creating a more balanced life is getting organized and finding a routine that allows you to achieve your goals.

Here are 9 great ways you can live a more organized – and balanced – life.

Organize for 15 minutes each day
It seems like the clutter at my house multiplies over night. If you spend 15 minutes each day organizing something, you can stay ahead of the stuff that piles up. It could mean sorting the mail or going through a pile of important papers that need to be handled. You can throw the mystery foods out of the refrigerator. Just 15 minutes of organizing a day can make a huge difference over time.

Choose the 3 most important tasks
I am a big believer in the daily to-do list. I tend to forget what I need to accomplish, and it seems more manageable when I see it on paper. On the downside, I might end up with 10 things on my list. At the top of your list, write down the three most important tasks that need to get done for the day. Everything else will typically fall into place after that.

Write things down
Trying to remember things will not help you stay more organized. And if you’re like me, my memory seems to get worse with every year. Write down everything. Make a list of birthdays, meetings, groceries, holiday gifts, and other things you need to remember.

Create a family information center
I feel like every day is a logistics nightmare, trying to figure out how to get everyone where they need to be each day. I have a white board on the back of our door that leads to the garage. The whole family knows that this is the place to see what’s going on. Each family member has their own color of marker, and we write down meetings, dentist appointments, school activities, and sport practices and games.

Make schedules and deadlines
Organized people don’t waste time. They make schedules for the day and the week. They make deadlines and set goals – and stick to them! You can plan out how to declutter your home, the steps you need to take to go on vacation, or how you’re going to move up in your career.

Do one thing at a time
I am a big believer in uni-tasking. It seems to be human nature to want to multi-task. However, you’re not really multi-tasking, but switching from one thing to another very quickly. Concentrate on one project at a time, and you’ll find that you actually get more done and probably do it better.

Avoid procrastinating
When I was younger, I was the kid who turned in my homework assignments before the due date. I have lost that ability over the years. The longer you put something off, the more difficult it can be to get done. To create a less stressful and demanding life, organize and accomplish tasks as soon as you can. Getting things done as soon as possible will lift a weight off of you and free up time to do other things.

Have less stuff
As a whole, Americans like their stuff. However, we could all learn to live without all of the material possessions. I have more clothes and shoes than I ever wear. I probably only use about half of the gadgets and cookware I have in my kitchen. Make it a point to purge the unnecessary stuff in your life. Avoid the temptation to pick up a bargain or buy things you don’t need because they’re the newest and greatest trend.

Take control of your life
Make your electronics and organization methods work for you not the other way around. There are many tools and technologies you can take advantage of to help you get more done and be more efficient.

Progress and change take time. It’s hard to change habits, because they’re habits. You can create a more organized life if you’re willing to work at it. You can cultivate healthy habits that will allow you to be more productive and organized!